Creating a Facebook Page for Your Fresh Store

This guide will go over setting up your Facebook fan page for your Fresh Store. Then you will be able to set up the RSS feed to post products automatically on your Facebook page.

Step 1.  Visit to create your Facebook Community Brand Page. Click the icon shown in the image and it will ask you to pick a name for your page. This should be similar to your website name or other social media accounts.

Next it will ask you to upload a profile image and header banner. You can skip this if you don't have it now, you can always update it later

Step 2: Now we will edit the basic info for the facebook page to link your fresh store instant website. First we will update the button to link t store. If you click the blue button, you will see the EDIT BUTTON link to edit the button.

Make sure to click FINISH after doing the above changes to the button to save your new link.

Finally we are going to set the website URL for this facebook fan page. Click on the Edit Page Info as shown below and follow the directions shown in the images.

Add your domain under Website and make sure the box is checked for the website.

Step 3: The last step is to post your first message on the facebook page. I keep it the same as the twitter and google for the first message and then I pin it to the top.

Congrats on your new Facebook Fan page for your Fresh Store Instant website. You can see live the profile I created at

Sharing your Fresh Store Instant RSS Product Feed to Facebook. 

One thing you can quickly setup to fill in your facebook feed is posting your FSI products to your facebook fan page account.  
This will work with any RSS feed provider who will pull your RSS feeds and share on social media account. In this guide 

I'm using the free plan DLVR offers for twitter and facebook.

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