Do I have to buy a domain name?

The short answer is no! 

You don't have to purchase a domain name for any of your FreshStore stores.

Included with every package, you get several free domain names called "Vanity Domains". You can use them for as many stores as you like.

An example is "", so you can build your store on any subdomain, e.g.

You can choose from many other vanity domains such as "", "" or "".

Can I use my own domain name?

Yes, you can use your own custom domain name for any website. You have the option to use your entire domain by changing nameservers or just a subdomain by adding a CNAME DNS record.

Please check your account area for the guide showing how to do this.

With just a few clicks, you can start with a Vanity Domain and easily switch your website to a custom domain at any time.

What are Vanity Domains?

Vanity Domains are included for free in every FreshStore account. Check our guide below for more information:

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