How to request a refund

We are sure you will love our products, but if for any reason you don’t, contact support here to request a full refund.

When you request a refund, your stores and data will be deleted. We cannot recover them later, so any unique content, products, articles, images, statistics, customer emails, messages, etc., will be lost.

You will also lose your protection against price rises.

Before refunding, we recommend you save any content you want to keep from your stores.

Are you eligible for a refund?

Please check our refund policy on the link below to find out if you are eligible for a refund:


We are ready to help you

We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and have a wealth of experience that we can share with you.

If you lack time, feel overwhelmed, are missing a feature, need some niche ideas, or anything else, we can help you get back on track.

Our fast and friendly team of experts are ready to help you. We can assist with building your store, deciding on a niche, getting traffic, and much more.

We have already helped many members like you get success who were thinking about giving up.

To contact our team and get help, use the support icon at the bottom right of this page.

How to get a refund?

Please follow these steps to get your refund as quickly as possible:

  1. Contact the support team. Use the help icon in the bottom right, or click here to contact the support team.

  2. Include your email addresses. Please include all your email addresses so we can look up your account quickly.

  3. We will respond. We will then send you an acknowledgement of your refund and ask for confirmation.

  4. Confirm. It is essential for you to reply to the acknowledgement email if you would like to go ahead with the refund. Without your permission, we won't be able to do anything on your account just yet, as you may incur data loss.

  5. That's it! You will receive an email confirming the refund is done.

If you need to take a break and don't want to lose all your hard work, we offer a Subscription Pause. Ask our support team using the help icon in the bottom right, and we will pause your payments until you are ready.

What will happen to my account and data?

In the event of a refund, your account will be closed immediately. Any websites, stores or data in your account will be taken offline and deleted.

We do not keep any backups of refunded accounts, and any data will be non-recoverable immediately after the refund is processed.

This includes your stores, unique content, customer emails and data, store messages, articles, products, categories, analytics, and more.

Please ensure you have backups and exports of all your data before confirming your refund in order to avoid data loss.

Chargebacks and PayPal Disputes

Please get in touch with our support team about a refund or payment dispute before opening a Chargeback or PayPal dispute. We will always be able to resolve your refund request directly.

Opening a Chargeback or a PayPal dispute will delay your refund. FreshStore has no control over the speed of disputes being processed, and the money may be locked up for a long period of time.

Opening a Chargeback or a PayPal dispute will automatically waive your right to a refund in all circumstances. This is due to the reputation damage and cost incurred by Fresh Labs when a dispute or chargeback is placed.

We will contest any Chargeback or PayPal dispute and will show our records to your financial institution. This includes account addresses, access logs, IP addresses, Terms of Use agreements, and support ticket correspondence.

We are Ready to Help You!

We are committed to helping you and solving all your issues. Please get in touch with our support team, who are ready and happy to help.

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