eBay Marketplace Account Deletion/Closure Notifications

IMPORTANT: This is an advanced topic that most FreshStore users do not need.

After opening an eBay developer account, you may get notified that you must comply with "Marketplace Account Deletions/Closures", or you might find that your eBay keys have been temporarily disabled.

Why are my newly created eBay keys disabled?

You might see this error:

"Your Keyset is currently disabled. Comply with marketplace deletion/account closure notification process or apply for an exemption."

To re-enable your keys, please follow the instructions below.

What are Marketplace Account Deletions/Closures?

This is eBay's way of protecting the personal data of its users. It ensures that all data is deleted from all eBay systems, including eBay Partner systems, once the user has deleted or closed his/her account.

FreshStore doesn't hold any information about users' accounts, and therefore, you need to opt out of this inside your eBay developer account.

What do I need to do?

FreshStore does not save any account data or any data permanently. This is because everything is cached, and eventually, the data will expire. Therefore, we can opt out of notifications.

To do so, please follow this section of the eBay guide: Opting Out of eBay Marketplace Account Deletion/Closure Notifications.

If you need any help with this, please get in touch with support and we will be happy to guide you through it.

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